I hope you all are well. In this Post i will give you all detail about Call Of duty Mobile(CODM) Season 8 THE FORGE. Well Season 8 is coming with lots of Updates like new Maps, interesting Modes, terrifying New Characters, new upgraded weapons and new Operator Skills. So read the blog till the end to know about all these season 8 updates of (CODM). IN the end of this post i also discussed about the fake news of KN-44 Nerfed or Not.
SO lets get started👇
1. Updates:-
Updates Of Codm Season 8
New Maps:- There are so many maps that your played from starting of CODM and you also get bored by playing all this maps again and again. So that's why CODM(Call of duty Mobile) has added a new Map named "HIGHRISE" . This Map is fulfilled with lots of covers So that it helps you to get covered any where when enemies attacking on you.
New Maps
So, According to My recommendation, This Map is Most Probably bring up for Snipers.
New Modes:- CODM has added a new mode that named "JUGGERNAUT MODE". In this Mode there is 1 vs 5 Battle with a machine. The game begins with the one of player from our Team becomes the Juggernaut by obtaining a heavy armory with lethal weapons. Our other players will has to defeat him. The one how comes to the finishing point then he will becomes the next JUGGERNAUT and the game will continue until its point has been reached to the top.The Machine used for Juggernaut named:- XS1- GOLIATH
New Modes
New Characters:- CODM has introduced their new Terrifying Characters which are having their unique Personality. Their Name as:
New Characters
New Gun:- IN CODM,there are so many guns which we are using from the beginning of the game. So now, CODM(Call of DUTY Mobile) has released a new Gun named:- "DR-H". The Speciality of this Gun is that it has more Damage to kill fastly but it is difficult to handle it recoil .One more Speciality about this gun was that CODM has madea attachment for this gun i.e OTMto increase its damage.
New Gun:DR-H
New Operator Skill:- We all know that operator skills help us in the game to handle the condition easily. CODM has already released so many Operator skills in their previous updates but in this update they had released a new operator skill named:- "KATANA "A Sword that help's in close range by one shot one kill. It also detects the hostiles with in the shroud of any smoke grenades.
New Operator Skill: KATANA
There are also other small updates which i covered in my video:- "Season 8: cod Mobile Season 8 all updates explain | KN-44 HIGHRISE, JUGGERNAUT, KATANA"
CODM Official News
Important Note:- After Last Update(i.e Season 8), Some rumors has leaked fake news about KN-44 NERF But that's not true Guys, The Official Site of Call of Duty Mobile has come forward about the rumors and declare that leak as fake. I should also talk about this in our video. SO keep in touch with us for latest and genuine new updates only.